Explore all sources of Mystic Coins with this quick guide.
Squeez some juicy gold from daily time-gated crafting
Varietal Mint Seeds Farming Routes.
These farming routes can provide some nice extra gold to your pocket. It's not somehow super efficient, but you can do it alone, anytime you want and it's new player friendly since it does not require more than gathering tools and unlocking waypoints in those zones.
Kudos to tonygiang for marking all the locations.
Remember that this route run thru all the possible spots, herbs spawn randomly on those positions.
You can toggle them in the GW2TacO / BlishHUD menu -> Tekkit's Guides -> Gathering Nodes -> Varietal Mint Seeds. If you don't see these routes in the game, double-check if you properly followed Installation Instructions. If you still have issues, let me know in the #all-in-one-issues channel on our Discord
Farming Route for the Toxic Seedlings in the Kessex Hills. s usual, the route shows all possible spots, not all of them will spawn at the same time.
All sources of Orrian Pearls in Siren's Landing
Multiwood farming in the Malchor's Leap
Finish Path of FIre Hearst as fast as possible
Park your unused alt on one of these spots and make a pile of gold over time with these daily chests.
Sunken Chests farming Routes in Various Zones
You can toggle them in the GW2TacO / BlishHUD menu -> Tekkit's Guides -> Misc -> Sunken Chests. If you don't see these routes in the game, double-check if you properly followed Installation Instructions. If you still have issues, let me know in the #all-in-one-issues channel on our Discord
Convert your excess Karma into the Gold.